5 Steps to Adopt a Baby in Georgia
If you are interested in adopting an infant in GA or NC, private adoption may be the best choice for you. Learn how to adopt a baby with Claiborne|Fox|Bradley.
If you are interested in adopting an infant in GA or NC, private adoption may be the best choice for you. Learn how to adopt a baby with Claiborne|Fox|Bradley.
Adopting a relative’s baby in GA or NC can be a wonderful way to preserve family connections and ensure a stable, loving environment for the child.
The lawyers of Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman rejoiced with our LGBT friends when the United States Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges that “same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States”. Claiborne|Fox|Bradley has always been a strong supporter of Georgia Equality and Lambda Legal in their efforts to […]
For adult adoptees, sealed adoption records often mean unanswered questions. Here’s how to obtain your adoption records in GA or NC.
With adult adoption, you can protect important relationships, secure certain legal rights, and enjoy the sense of permanence and finality that adoption offers.
Whether you are interested in adopting a waiting child or a foster child in your care, learn how to adopt from the GA or NC foster system.
Pregnant women making an adoption plan need and deserve respect and compassion. We can help make the adoption a positive and safe experience for birth parents.
When a parent is in a committed relationship, married or not, the parent may choose to allow her partner to adopt her child through a stepparent adoption or second parent adoption.
As one of the most experienced adoption law firms in Georgia and North Carolina, we can provide the assistance you need to complete the legal adoption process.
Surrogacy and adoption are typically no different for LGBT parents than for any other hopeful parents, but there are some considerations to take into account.