
We purposefully chose to focus our practice in the southeast region of the United States so that we can provide you with the most relevant, legal information that is specific to your circumstance. By concentrating our efforts, we have developed relationships with adoption and assisted reproductive technology professionals in your neighborhood.

Atlanta Office

5256 Peachtree Rd. Suite 195
Atlanta GA 30341

Attorneys Ruth Claiborne, Lila Bradley, and Lynn Goldman are based in the Atlanta, Georgia office of Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman . The firm provides legal guidance in the areas of adoption, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, including surrogacy, and LGBT family building. We represent a wide variety of clients, including adoptive parents, intended parents, birth […]

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Charlotte Office

4009 Corning Place Suite E2-112
Charlotte NC 28216

Attorney Amy Wallas Fox is based in the Charlotte, North Carolina office of Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman . The firm provides legal guidance in the areas of adoption, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, including surrogacy, and LGBT family building. We represent a wide variety of clients, including adoptive parents, intended parents, birth parents, egg and […]

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