Understanding Your Adoption Plan and the Adoption Process

As an expectant mother, you are the only person who can decide what is best for you and your baby — and that’s why you are in control of your adoption plan. Through each step of the adoption process, your adoption plan puts you in charge and gives you the power to make important decisions for your baby.

Here, learn how to place a child for adoption with Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman , and how you are in control of each step along the way.

1. You decide whether adoption is right for you.

As a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy, it is up to you to explore your options and determine which one is right for you. You will have as much time as you need to make this decision — there is no deadline to choose adoption for your baby. During this stage in the process, Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  will be available to provide the adoption information you need, answer your questions, and refer you to a professional counselor if you need additional emotional support.

You will never be pressured to move forward with your adoption plan before you are ready — it will be up to you to decide when you feel confident enough in your adoption decision to get started.

2. You determine your adoption goals.

If you decide to move forward with adoption, you can create an adoption plan outlining exactly how you would like the adoption to proceed. Your adoption plan will help ensure that Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman , potential adoptive parents, and everyone else involved in your adoption understand your goals for your adoption experience. Your adoption plan might include:

  • The types of adoptive families you are interested in
  • The amount of contact you want to have with the family during and after the adoption process
  • The people in your adoption support system, including your friends and family members
  • The type of labor and delivery experience you want to have
  • And more

3. You choose the perfect adoptive family.

Whether you choose to find adoptive parents on your own, ask Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  to introduce you to waiting families, or work with another professional for matching services, you get to choose your baby’s adoptive family and get to know them on your terms.

During this stage of the adoption process, Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  can introduce you to families looking to adopt and help you evaluate your options — but it is ultimately up to you to choose the perfect parents to provide the life and future you envision for your baby.

4. You control your hospital stay.

As your due date approaches, you will be able to plan your hospital experience, determining who you want to be present at the hospital, how much time you want to spend with your baby and the adoptive family, and more.

We can help you understand what to expect during your hospital stay and guide you through the legal document signing process when you are ready.

5. You plan your post-adoption relationship with your child.

As part of your adoption plan, you can determine the type and amount of contact you would like to have with your child and the adoptive family after placement. Whether you hope to exchange pictures and letters, phone calls, emails, or even in-person visits, the attorneys of Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  will help you find an adoptive family who is open to that type of relationship. We can also help you create a post-adoption contact agreement that outlines your wishes and expectations.

Your adoption plan is just that — yours. You should always feel comfortable and confident with your adoption plan and the choices you are making for your baby. Remember that at any point during the adoption process:

  • You can change your mind. You can legally change your mind and discontinue your adoption plan at any time until signing the consent forms after your baby is born. You are never obligated to proceed with the adoption process, and you can also make changes to your adoption plan at any time — including your choice of adoptive parents, your desire for post-placement contact, and more.
  • You can move at your own pace. You can spend as much or as little time as you need on each of the steps for giving a baby up for adoption. For instance, you may spend months searching for the perfect adoptive family, or you may choose your baby’s adoptive parents within days of beginning your search.
  • You are entitled to the services and support you need. You can reach out to Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  at any time for additional information, legal advice, or referrals for additional adoption services. While you are in control of the adoption process, you do not have to go it alone — we will be here to help guide you through every step of your adoption journey.

For more information about how to give a baby up for adoption in Georgia, or to learn more about our services, contact Claiborne | Fox | Bradley | Goldman  to schedule a free consultation. Your call is confidential and does not obligate you to proceed with an adoption plan.
